HOUSTON – Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Harris County Project Recovery will temporarily stops accepting new applications from homeowners seeking flood damage assistance from March 30 until July 1.

After July 1, the application process will resume if additional funding is available.

Project Recovery staff will work remotely. They will call rather than face-to-face visits with homeowners to discuss information and documents needed to advance their requests to the Texas General Land Office.

“Despite this measure, we will continue our focus on providing assistance to homeowners who have already asked for help,” said Joshua Stuckey, interim director of Harris County Community Services Department, which administers Project Recovery.

“We are ramping up our effort to connect with those 5,000 county residents who have not heard from us in a while through what we call Operation Reach Out,” Stuckey said. He added that the goal is to have 2,000 homeowner funding requests into the approval pipeline within the next 90 day

So far, Project Recovery has received about 8,000 applications for home repair reimbursement, home reconstruction and home buyout.

For more information, click here.